World tourism attractive, many governments around the world to develop. As a source of foreign exchange, tourism holds the potential is very large. According to some experts these days has become a tourism business or third largest industry after oil and arms trade. Even some who say that tourism is the second largest business after oil.
As the introducer of foreign exchange, the tourism industry is quite mengiurkan for the State of destination. Apart from foreign tourists spent during the visit, the destination country or region other economic benefit, such as tax revenue from business sectors related to tourism such as hotels, restaurants, entertainment etc..
Aside from being a feeder exchange, the tourism industry could also become the motor of society's economic pengerak. As an illustration, in the tourism industry needs bebeberapa needs to attract tourists to come to an area such as a hotel or inn. To meet the food needs of our guests or lodging, managers need good quality food and fresh. To meet these needs they are looking for food ingredients such as vegetables and fruits in the area around the location of the hotel or lodging in order to get fresh material. This needs to be opportunities for local communities to develop agro-industry, with attention to quality and quantity. Another example is, every tourist who visits a country or region would need a souvenir from your country or region as a sign of memories that can be told tourists to friends, family, colleagues. The need is certainly encouraging people in the country or tourist destination to work and produce the desired tourist souvenirs. Thus in kahirnya encourage growth of small industries in the community.
Of the several examples above, the development of the tourism industry is also a driving force for the absorption of labor in several sectors, both the tourism sector itself amupun sectors that support tourism. Thus it is clear that tourism development has a positive impact on the economy or society in the country of the destination. With the development of tourism in a country or region will lead to expansion of economic resources for the community in the country or of the destination.
Tourism is a complex phenomenon involving the whole human man and has various aspects. Of the various aspects of the existing, aspects that received the greatest attention is the economic aspect, it develops a concept of tourism industry which is a tourism activity completely. As an industry, tourism removing the product to be purchased by the buyer, ie tourists. There are various products offered by the tourism industry which can be grouped into 3 areas, namely; area attractions, tour transportation, and tourism services. Field attraction is something that is expected from the motif wisatwan visit to the country or regional tourist destination. So a wisatwan will travel to a region or country of destination to see the tourist attractions in the area or country. Thus if a country or region has the intention to develop tourism in the region must consider the availability of tourist attractions that can attract wisatwan to visit the area. Tourist attraction in this case can be either natural scenery, cultural diversity, heritage, community life and so forth. Tourism services sector is tourism products to meet the needs of tourists during the tours in the country or regional tourist destination. Tourist services in question are the hotels, inns, restaurants, entertainment, pramuwisita, and others. Product tourism industry is no less important than the other product is a tourist transport. This product is intended to serve tourists from origin to destination or from the hotel to tourist attractions.
Growing or not a country or region into a bustling tourist destination visited by tourists rely on third-tourism products produced by state or region. The better and competitive products, more and more tourists visiting the country or region. Instead the worse the resulting product is also less tourists visiting the country or region.